Diversity Committee
Butte College Diversity Committee works collaboratively with our diverse campus and local communities to establish a learning and working environment that is inclusive and equitable. We do this by honoring diverse identities and educating our community, identifying, and responding to existing and emerging equity issues, and analyzing and recommending institutional change based on relevant research practices.
Contact: Tray Robinson at
Diversity Committee Goals
1. Make recommendations to faculty, staff, and administration on diversity-related issues.2. Organize Decolonize and Diversity Speaker Series.
3. Provide diversity-related events, workshops, and trainings on campus.

Butte College U in Butte: Uncover, Uplift & Unite (formerly known as DECOLONiZE!) is a four-day event focused on hosting workshops and activities that are key to our campus strategic initiative to enhance a culture of inclusiveness. The overall intent is to inform and inspire current and future actions by offering sessions that provide attendees with knowledge, training, and inspiration.
The ultimate goal is to provide students with an understanding of diversity, equity, and inclusion as they advance in their education, careers, and as they become leaders on campus and in the community.
U in Butte events can include opening and closing ceremonies, keynote speakers, guest
speakers, discussion panels, workshops, art gallery installations, movies, food, and
interactive projects. Sessions are facilitated by local, regional, and statewide experts,
including BC faculty, community members, and national leaders in equity, inclusiveness,
and diversity-related topics. U in Butte events are open to all students, staff, faculty
and community members.
U in Butte: Uncover, Uplift & Unite Committee Chair:
Tray Robinson -
2024 - Schedule
2023 - Schedule
2022 - Schedule
2021 - Schedule
2020 - Schedule
2019 - Schedule
2018 - Schedule
2017 - Schedule
2016 - Schedule
2015 - Schedule
2014 - Schedule
2013 - Schedule
2012 - Schedule

The Diversity Speaker Series brings speakers to our campus who have important messages or practices to share. These speakers may include artists, professionals in their fields of study, and other innovative thinkers or organizers from our community and beyond. It is the intention that these speakers/presenters will have diverse identities and perspectives that are timely, progressive and challenge status quo thinking.
Diversity Speaker Series Chair:
Amy Antongiovanni:
Past Diversity Speaker Flyers

Guest Speaker Recording: Self Preservation for First-Generation Students
Guest Speaker Recording: Marcelo Hernandez Castillo
More information to be shared at the beginning of Fall 2023.
Name |
Subcommittee |
Department |
Email address |
Tray Robinson | Diversity Committee, Chair. Decolonize, Chair. |
IDEA | |
Gary Harris | Academic Senate Liasion | Automotive Technology | |
Amy Antongiovanni | Diversity Speaker Series, Chair | English | |
Christina Dahl | Diversity Speaker Series. Curriculum Committee Liasion. |
English | |
Monica Brown | Decolonize! | SEA | |
Malcolm J. McLemore | Decolonize! | Student Belonging and Empowerment | |
Tasha Spirk | Diversity Speaker Series | Health Occupations | |
Alan Raetz | Diversity Speaker Series | Institutional Research | |
Melody Schmid | Diversity Speaker Series | Biology | |
Mandeep Grewal | Decolonize! | Biology | |
Scott Giannini | Diversity Speaker Series | Math | |
Amanda Runyan | Decolonize! | English | |
Madeline Christopher | Decolonize! | Environmental Horticulture | |
Carrie Roberson | Decolonize! | ECFS | |
Shaun-Adrian Chofla | Diversity Speaker Series | Family & Community Services | |
Cecilia Romero | Diversity Speaker Series | CASA | |
Selena Lee | Decolonize! | HR | |
Tom Grothe | Decolonize! | CMST | |
Jordan Rodrigues | Diversity Speaker Series | Communications | |
Brenda Rodriguez | Diversity Speaker Series | Undocucenter | |
Shannamar Dewey | Decolonize! | Biology | |
Dillon Carroll | Diversity Speaker Series | SCS/History | |
John Dahlgren | Decolonize! | Drafting Technology | |
Raquel Holmstrom | Decolonize! | Welcome Center | |
Fiona Chin | Decolonize! | Art Academics | |
Claire Yang | Decolonize! & Diversity Speaker Series | Counseling | |
Logan Ziegenmeyer | Decolonize! & Diversity Speaker Series | Advanced Manufacturing | |
Ashley LaCroix | Decolonize! & Diversity Speaker Series | IDEA Office | |
Heather Springer | Diversity Speaker Series | English | |
Diversity Committee Meeting Schedule
The Diversity Committee meetings are held on the 1st Monday of the month at 3 PM. Participants can join the meeting online using Zoom. Please email the IDEA office to get the meeting ID. We hope to see you there.
If you would like to add an item to the Diversity Committee meeting agenda, please complete the Agenda Item Request Form no later than 11 AM on the Tuesday prior to the meeting you wish to be heard.
Meeting Date | Meeting Agenda | Meeting Minutes |
August 14, 2023 | 08/14/23 Agenda | 08/14/23 Minutes |
September 18, 2023 | 09/18/23 Agenda | 09/18/23 Minutes |
October 2, 2023 | 10/02/23 Agenda | 10/02/23 Minutes |
November 6, 2023 | 11/06/23 Agenda | 11/06/23 Minutes |
December 4, 2023 | N/A | N/A |
February 5, 2024 | 02/05/24 Agenda | 02/05/24 Minutes |
March 4, 2024 | 03/04/24 Agenda | 03/04/24 Minutes |
April 8, 2024 | 04/08/24 Agenda | 04/08/24 Minutes |
August 15, 2024 | 08/15/24 Agenda | 08/15/24 Minutes |
October 14, 2024 | 10/14/24 Agenda | 10/14/24 Minutes |
November 18, 2024 | 11/18/24 Agenda | 11/18/24 Minutes |
February 10, 2025 | 02/10/25 Agenda | 02/10/25 Minutes |
Content Editor:
Tray Robinson