Have you been misgendered at Butte College? If the answer is yes, can you share how that impacted you?

"I have never been misgendered on this campus thankfully."-Anonymous Student
"It hurts my self image because I don’t look masculine enough to be correctly gendered.
But I do like how I look so I get
stressed and confused and sad when people assume Im a girl."
But I do like how I look so I get
stressed and confused and sad when people assume Im a girl."
-Anonymous Student

"Yes. It's not super impactful, I know I'm easy to misgender. It's just a little disheartening at the most."-Anonymous Student
Have you been in a class where an instructor encouraged students to share their pronouns? If the answer is yes, can you share how that impacted you?

"Yes, I loved how people would refer to someone by their preferred pronouns."-Anonymous Student
"Overall good experience, but certain people are unfamiliar with the question and
will give an awkward answer or avoid the question. I felt self-conscious about answering
when those people would say things like “the male ones.” "
-Anonymous Student

"Yes, it helps me feel seen, and take away the fear of having to do it myself "-Anonymous Student
Have your pronouns been affirmed by a Butte College employee? If the answer is yes, can you share how that impacted you?

"Yes. It helped me feel safer and more open in the space."
-Anonymous Student
"Yes, they have. It has impacted me by making me feel like I am being seen as a queer
POC. It let's me know that they care and want to care about me and also others."
-Anonymous Student

"Yes, my teachers do but they also forget sometimes. It makes me feel safe and affirmed when they remember."-Anonymous Student
Do you make space for students to share their pronouns? If so, how has that looked in your classes or online?

"I ask, privately, for students to share their pronouns at the start of every class. How they are used, is of course up to them, but I give each student a space."-Anonymous Faculty
"Yes. I encourage them to let us know during the first week or any time later. I've
also helped several folks get their names changed in canvas."
-Anonymous Faculty

"In my online classes, students are encouraged to update their pronouns, which live in their profile in Canvas, as a part of their introduction assignment."-Anonymous Faculty
Content Editor:
Tray Robinson